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Publisher of the Journal
Eksperimental’naya i Klinicheskaya Gastroenterologiya = Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology
"Global Media technology" Ltd
CEO Peter Mazhuga
Telephone: +7 (917) 561 95 05
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Postal address: Chechulina str, 6-42,
Moscow, 105568, Russia



Prior to acceptance and publication in "Experimental and Clinical Gastroeterology", authors may make their submissions available as preprints on personal or public websites.

As part of submission process, authors are required to confirm that the submission has not been previously published, nor has been submitted. After a manuscript has been published in "Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology"" we suggest that the link to the article on journal's website is used when the article is shared on personal or public websites.

Glossary (by SHERPA)

Preprint - In the context of Open Access, a preprint is a draft of an academic article or other publication before it has been submitted for peer-review or other quality assurance procedure as part of the publication process. Preprints cover initial and successive drafts of articles, working papers or draft conference papers.
Postprint - The final version of an academic article or other publication - after it has been peer-reviewed and revised into its final form by the author. As a general term this covers both the author's final version and the version as published, with formatting and copy-editing changes in place. 

1. The material containing advertising or presenting a comparative study of the properties of a pharmaceutical product is separated from the main content of the journal by a special section CLINICAl PHARMACOLOGY.
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In the journal "Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology"
- A4 format (edging: 210/297, pre-cut: 220/307) - magazine paper version
- A5 format (edging: 210/149, pre-cut: 220/155) - for CD discs Cover

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Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology Journal
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